Heineken - Sam Warburton - Advertising / Commercial
I was looking through my older library of images whilst sorting some backups, and I stumbled on an image I had not seen for a while and realised I never shared it anywhere. A bit of an old one, granted, but I’m trying to get motivated to add more content to the site as I rarely update it these days! Every time I update the site it seems another year has slipped by…
It was a great shoot, although I only actually had about 5 mins with Sam to get the portrait. I had about an hour or so to get the lighting setup beforehand, so it was pretty straight forward at the time.
Anyway, this one was photographed a while back, working with a team creating some video work at the same time. I was involved to shoot the supporting still images to be used for commercial use.
The main shot below was photographed at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff. I photographed Sam Kennedy-Warburton, OBE MStJ, commonly known as Sam Warburton, a Welsh former international rugby union player.
Sam Kennedy-Warburton, OBE MStJ
A little behind the scenes images, apologies, my phone camera wasn’t ‘ideal’ that day…! Simple Profoto rig for lights, spread for a cross light coming in from the sides, with a large bounce for fill. Shot on the Phase One IQ1 50, with the XF back with the older DF+ body as the backup (and some more DSLR backup in the bag too..) Also shot with bellows as I had spill from other lights being used at the same time by the vid guys.
I did love this profoto setup and B2 lights, but they are pretty expensive for sure, I ended up buying a whole boot load of Phottix gear instead in the end, with change to spare.